Programming Problem 1: Substitution Cipher
Implement a Python program to perform Substitution Cipher encryption.
Create a function
substitution_cipher_encrypt(plaintext, key)
with parameters for the
plaintext and a
substitution key.
The substitution key should be a
dictionary mapping each letter to
its replacement.
Handle both uppercase and lowercase
letters while preserving spaces and non-alphabetic characters.
Iterate through each letter in the
plaintext and replace it according to the substitution key.
Programming Problem 2: Caesar Cipher Encryption
You are given a plaintext message containing only uppercase English
letters. Your task is to encrypt the message using a
Caesar Cipher. The Caesar Cipher is a
substitution cipher where each letter in the plaintext is shifted a
certain number of places down or up the alphabet.
Write a Python function called
caesar_cipher_encrypt that takes two
parameters: the plaintext message and the shift value. The function
should return the encrypted message.
Ensure that the function handles only
uppercase letters. Ignore spaces and
other characters.
Use the ASCII values of characters
to perform the shift.
Use the modulo operator to handle
wrapping around the alphabet.
Feel free to test this solution with different plaintext and shift